Use the get order details to retrieve information regarding your order. The shipments attribute contains a list of shipments for the order. If the order was split into multiple shipments, each will have a separate status, tracking number, tracking link and list of items in the shipment.

Example Response

  "success": true,
  "order": {
    "orderNumber": "#1001",
    "orderStatus": "on_hold",
    "orderKey": "321456",
    "orderDate": "2023-03-21T12:00:00.000Z",
    "trackingNumber": null,
    "requestedShippingService": "Free Shipping (2-5 Days)",
    "trackingLink": "",
    "carrierCode": "USPS",
    "customerInfo": {
      "name": "Brittany Brand",
      "phone": null,
      "company": "Atomix",
      "country": "US",
      "addressLine1": "123 West Grand Ave",
      "addressLine2": "APT 101",
      "city": "Milwaukee",
      "state": "WI",
      "postalCode": "53233"
    "orderItems": [ // Represents all items in the order
        "sku": "cream-shirt-xl",
        "quantity": 2
    "shipments": [ // Represents the list of shipments created from the order
        "status": "on_hold",
        "trackingNumber": null,
        "trackingLink": "",
        "carrierCode": "USPS",
        "orderItems": [
            "sku": "cream-shirt-xl",
            "quantity": 2
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!